вторник, 5 июня 2012 г.

Grape Arcadia: a brief description

Grape Arcadia.

Grape Arcadia. belongs to one of the. the most popular and widespread. table grapes. This is due to a number of positive characteristics. grapes Arcadia. , By which he earned himself a well-deserved respect from the growers of our country. To which we can safely include the following:.

Over a period of maturation. grape Arcadia. refers to a. the early grades. ( matures in just 115-125 days). This sort of medium or strong-. It has clusters of large or very large sizes, which can reach weights of 500-700 g (sometimes even up to 2 kg), cylindrical, with thick blades.

berries from. grapes Arcadia. as large or very large - 28 to 23 mm ( or more), weight 7-15 g, depending on the harvest bush and used Machinery. The berries are egg-shaped ( heart-shaped ) form a white.

Grape Arcadia.

Arcadia sugar content reaches 15-16 % - which is the normal rate for. yielding varieties. shoots. grapes Arcadia. a well- ripen. Fruitfulness shoots 55-75 %, the yield has a coefficient of 0.9-1.5 fruitfulness, so it is considered that the yield. Arcadia class. very high.

Grape Arcadia. responds positively to fertilizer, but it is necessary to comply with a reasonable dose. Another advantage - is increased resistance to a variety. mildew. - Within 3.5 points ( during the two sprays ) to mildew - need a common defense. It is necessary to avoid fluctuations in soil moisture content - because it is possible cracking of the berries. Grape Arcadia. able to withstand temperatures down to -21 C.

saplings. grape Arcadia. at planting fast growing and relatively early start to bear fruit. Rooting of cuttings is considered good, and the root system of this kind powerful.

Grape Arcadia. well combined with the majority of stocks.

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